Welcome to Bridge Elementary

Our Mission

The mission of Bridge Elementary is to provide students with a personalized learning experience and empower them to take personal ownership and accountability for their own academic performance.

Our Vision

The vision of Bridge Elementary is to establish a school that is founded upon and incorporates a personalized learning model. This model includes “systems that deepen and accelerate student learning by tailoring instruction to an individual’s needs, approaches that offer a variety of learning experiences, and teachers who play an integral role by managing the learning environment, leading instruction and guiding students to take ownership of their learning".

Charter Application & Charter Agreement

Charter Application Charter Agreement

Please note, policies and bylaws contained in the charter application are subject to change and are available for review in our Policies & Procedures. Additionally, the State Charter Board may approve a Charter Application and Agreement amendments.

Financial Information

In accordance with Utah Code Ann. Section 53G-7-309, the governing board receives a budget report each month. The Bridge Elementary Board oversees the financial health of the school. All budgets are approved by the Board and published on the Utah Public Finance website. This budget report includes the following information: (i) the amounts of all budget appropriations; (ii) the disbursements from the appropriations as of the date of the report; and (iii) the percentage of the disbursements as of date of the report. The report is also available for public review. To receive a copy of a budget report(s), please email your request to Lani@BridgeCharter.org. Budget reports will be made available within (5) business days of the request

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Our mascot

Bridge Elementary


Frogs are amazing creatures. Through metamorphosis they change from an egg, to a tadpole, to a froglet and then a mature frog. 

In each stage the frog must adapt to their environment—from a full water living animal to an animal that breathes and lives on dry land (near the water of course). 

At Bridge, our educators will empower our students to morph into scholars who take ownership of their learning, are determined, thorough, flexible, take initiative and are enthusiastic about lifelong learning.