Educational researchers have determined that the greatest factor in academic progress is a student's ability to articulate where they are in their learning, the goal they are trying to attain and the steps needed to achieve the goal.
Students in grades 1 - 6 have a Personalized Learning Plan (PLP). The student, along with his or her advisor, review assessment data to identify the student's current academic performance in reading and math, and then, use this information to create goals for reading and math. Students meet with their advisor twice each month to review and update their progress, and determine next steps towards goal completion. Students are guided in taking ownership of their learning and in articulating their progress and next steps with others.
Parents are invited once each quarter to attend a PLP meeting with the student and his or her advisor. The meetings are held during the school day and parents can participate in person or through a video conferencing tool. The PLP is available digitally for parents to view.
A sample PLP and access to your child's PLP can be found using this link: